Since Fluminus is an app heavily dependent on LumiNUS APIs, from the very beginning I felt necessary extracting the API-relevant part into a separate package for better upgradability and maintainability. After implementing the core functionality (i.e. authentication and raw API calls), I believe it is time that I write this tutorial of expanding the capability of luminus_api package by referring to the official API specification since most of the work is procedural.

A Quick Look At Source Code

Let’s look at one specific API getProfile. There are two parts to this API - one in luminus_api.dart which is exposed to the package users, another under src folder named profile.dart which stores the data abstraction of the response of this API call.

Inside luminus_api.dart we have:

export 'package:luminus_api/src/profile.dart';
import 'package:luminus_api/src/profile.dart';

// [other imports and exports omitted]

class API {

// [other properties and methods ommitted]

    /// Returns a [Profile] object
    static Future<Profile> getProfile(Authentication auth) async {
        Map resp = await API._rawAPICall(auth: auth, path: "/user/profile");
        var profile = new Profile.fromJson(resp);
        return profile;


The structure is basically the same, first get resp by calling the raw API path; then dump the received JSON into the constructor of our data abstraction class, return the object representing the response data in the end.

Inside profile.dart we have:

(I omitted most of these code because we will generate them using an online tool later)

class Profile {
  String id;
  // omitted other fields


  Profile.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {

Methods of generating the data abstraction class of JSON response will be shown later.

A Step-by-step Guide Of Translating One API

Let’s look at Get All Announcements API. Note that for now we will only focus on APIs under GET method since information retrieval is our main focus as of now.

Base URL

We see the request URL is[?sortby][&offset][&limit][&where][&populate][&titleOnly]. This is easy to understand, the final request URL following this formula should look like:

You should get the idea by now. What’s nicer is that you don’t need to provide part to my function rawAPICall, you only need to provide the rest as the path parameter.

Apparently, the “root” of this API is /announcement/Active, while the rest are all parameters.

Query parameters

Query params

As you can see here, all parameters are optional, so we could write our function signature like this:

/// Get active announcements
/// Populate additional information. Accepted entities: creator, lastUpdatedUser, parent
static Future<List<Announcement>> getActiveAnnouncements(Authentication auth,
    {String sortby,
    int offset,
    int limit,
    String where,
    String populate,
    bool titleOnly = true}) async {
  // [...later...]

Note that as the parameters are optional, we’re using the optional parameter in Dart. In Dart, optional parameters without assignment will be null by default, those with an assignment are called optional parameters with default values. Note that we’re sticking to the API specification, meaning that titleOnly is True by default.

Then we should generate the path including these parameters, just follow this template:

String query = formatQueryArgument('sortby', sortby) +
    formatQueryArgument('offset', offset) +
    formatQueryArgument('limit', limit) +
    formatQueryArgument('where', where) +
    formatQueryArgument('populate', populate);
String path = '/announcement/Active?titleOnly=${titleOnly}' + query;
Map resp = await API._rawAPICall(auth: auth, path: path);
// [...later...]

Note that I provided the function formatQueryArgument to help you leave our parameters that are null, and since titleOnly will never be null unless you’re bored enough to pass a null as the parameter (well this might a bug I could fix later), it’s hard-coded in the path.

What if all parameters are optional? You just leave the question mark there as I believe LumiNUS API server is smart enough to ignore it (not experimented, don’t believe my words). Like this String path = '/announcement/Active?' + query;

Data abstraction class

Note: Don’t actually overwrite my announcement.dart file because you’re going to find what you are going to produce will likely be the same as what I have done. So save yourself a few minutes on this. But it’s always good to check that the response is consistent, maybe LumiNUS will response different announcement objects? I don’t know… Just be careful. Also, the API specification for the response is not accurate. Don’t believe that.

Add import 'package:dotenv/dotenv.dart' show load, env; to the beginning of luminus_api.dart, create a main function inside the file like this:

main(List<String> args) async {
  print(jsonEncode(await API._rawAPICall(
      auth: Authentication(
          password: env['LUMINUS_PASSWORD'], username: env['LUMINUS_USERNAME']),
      path: '/announcement/Active?limit=1')));

In your console, you should read something like this:

{"status":"success","code":200,"total":104,"offset":0,"limit":1,"data":[{"id":"8f164b0c-858b-4c12-b79a-0680c09b6b61","parentID":"063773a9-43ac-4dc0-bdc6-4be2f5b50300","title":"Exam answers and workings","description":"balabala","displayFrom":"2019-05-03T19:49:21.65+08:00","expireAfter":"2019-05-31T19:49:00+08:00","archiveAfter":"2019-08-31T19:49:21.65+08:00","publish":true,"sms":false,"email":false,"access":{"access_Full":false,"access_Read":true,"access_Create":false,"access_Update":false,"access_Delete":false,"access_Settings_Read":false,"access_Settings_Update":false},"createdDate":"2019-05-03T20:09:53.21+08:00","creatorID":"3e3fa871-f4ef-4051-9208-e1207354804c","lastUpdatedDate":"2019-05-03T20:09:53.21+08:00","lastUpdatedBy":"3e3fa871-f4ef-4051-9208-e1207354804c"}]}

Copy and paste this onto JSON to Dart Tool, remove the square brackets at the beginning and end, click Generate Dart, and you get this:

Change all Autogenerated to AnnouncementResponse. Change Data to Announcement and cut the Announcement class to a separate file named announcement.dart under src folder. In announcement.dart, remove Access class and import /src/access.dart instead since this class appeared repeatedly in responses.

Finishing up…

Last step! Let’s go back to our API function and finish it!

static Future<List<Announcement>> getActiveAnnouncements(Authentication auth,
    {String sortby,
    int offset,
    int limit,
    String where,
    String populate,
    bool titleOnly = true}) async {
  String query = formatQueryArgument('sortby', sortby) +
      formatQueryArgument('offset', offset) +
      formatQueryArgument('limit', limit) +
      formatQueryArgument('where', where) +
      formatQueryArgument('populate', populate);
  String path = '/announcement/Active?titleOnly=${titleOnly}' + query;
  Map resp = await API._rawAPICall(auth: auth, path: path);
  var announcements = new AnnouncementResponse.fromJson(resp);

And maybe you could do me a favor and test the function a little bit by change the main to:

main(List<String> args) async {
  var auth = Authentication(
          password: env['LUMINUS_PASSWORD'], username: env['LUMINUS_USERNAME']);
  print(await API.getActiveAnnouncements(auth, limit: 1));

The output should be something like:

[[Announcement] title: Exam answers and workings]

or simply [Object of Announcement], depending on whether you’re using the version where I overridden toString method of Announcement or not.

That’s all! Now you’re ready to contribute to luminus_api! Please send your pull request here. Thanks a lot!